LEVEL: Master's, NQF-HETR: 7. Level, EQF-LLL: 7. Level, QF-EHEA: 2. Cycle, Fields of Education: -

-It consists of seven courses (3 hours per week), graduate seminar, and thesis study (120 ECTS total). The normal duration of this program is 4 semesters; the maximum duration is 6 semesters.

- Students, who completed course phase, submit a thesis proposal with the thesis form to the Institute, before starting their theses. After their proposals approved by the Institute, they can start their theses.

- Students enrolled in thesis master programs in the Institute of Social Sciences must fulfill the following conditions before their graduation.

The student who is enrolled in a graduate program must fulfill at least one of the following conditions in order to graduate.

  1. Two papers presented at national or international scientific meetings,
  2. An article published in a peer-reviewed/ indexed journal, accepted for publication, or received a DOI number,
  3. Two papers presented at Social / Science symposiums organized by IZU.