IZU Libraries Databases Off-Campus Access Guide and Databases List:

On the screen that appears when you click on the databases listed below to access our library's electronic resources/databases from off-campus;

Username: Your İZÜ e-mail address

Password: İZÜ e-mail address is your password.

You do not need to log in from the databases' own web pages. You can start using it directly.

  • For a federated (general) search engine, click on the Ulakbim–Ebsco Joint Discovery Tool” heading at the top of the list.
  • Screen “EBSCO Discovery Service” option You "search box" can start searching among the electronic resources we subscribe to.

List of databases:

Ulakbim–Ebsco Joint Discovery Tool  (Federated Search Engine)

Al Manhal Islamic Studies
Academic Search Ultimate
Business Search Ultimate
eBook Academic Collection
Emerald Law Turkish
IEEE Digital Library
Idealonline Turkish Journal Database
HukukTürk Veri Tabanı (Turkish law database)
Kazancı Hukuk Database (Turkish law database) "It is closed to off-campus access."
LEXPERA Law Information System

Nature Journals All / Academic Journals All
Ovid LWW
SpringerLink (Journals)
SOBİAD (Social Sciences Citation Index)
Taylor & Francis Online Journals
The World Bank eLibrary
Web of Science
Wiley Online Library


The federated search engine does not search the following databases. You should use it by choice.

  1. HukukTürk Veri Tabanı (Turkish law database)

  2. Al Manhal Islamic Studies

  3.  AYEUM

  4. Idealonline Turkish Journal Database

  5. Kazancı Hukuk Database (Turkish law database) "It is closed to off-campus access."

  6. LEXPERA Law Information System

  7. ProQuest Dissertations & Theses

  8. SOBİAD (Social Sciences Citation Index)


Note: If there is “onlinesources.izu.edu.tr” at the beginning of the web address in the address bar, it means that you have accessed the system from outside the campus. Please pay attention to this feature during use.

You should also examine Open Access Databases . Millions of articles / Theses / Proceedings / Books, etc. you can download it for free.